October 13, 2017
Thanks to everyone who attended NCDevCon 2017.
Below you will find a link to session videos and resources provided by the speakers.
Videos can be found on YouTube: bit.ly/ncdevcon-2017-videos
Please note: All the videos may not be online yet! Keep checking back!
Taking Application Design to the Next Level with MVC by Carl Von Stetten
Visualizing Data in Realtime with WebSocket and D3 by Brian Greig
Writing Secure Code by Shlomy Gantz
Power of Simplicity in FW/1 Framework by Masha Edelen
The Ultimate Guide to Building the Worst Product by Alisa Herr
Real World DevOps by Sam Thomas & Dhaval Patel
Big Data made Easy with a Spark by Jean Georges Perrin
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6 Minute Mobile Apps with NativeScript: A Race Against Time by Mike Branstein
Making Use Of Our Robot Overlords by Brian Thompson
NodeJS Serverless Backend for your Front-Ends with Apache OpenWhisk by Carlos Santana
Writing better code with Comment Driven Development by Sean Doherty
W3C Content Security Policy & HTTP Headers for Security by David Epler
What's new in CF 10, 11, and 2016 that you may have missed? by Charlie Arehart
S-E-“Oh Myyy” : Using Structured, Semantic Data for Stellar Content by Eric Carlisle
Dev'ing with Alexa: Learning the basics of building a skill in Alexa by Terrance Smith
From Legacy to Modern, Techniques to update your legacy sites by Daniel Fredericks
Modern CFML tools and techniques by Daniel Fredericks
send.Better() - Giving Email a REST by Matthew Clemente
Going Serverless by Adrian Pomilio
An Accessible Guide to Accessibility by Nick Heiner
API First Design - Building SaaS Software Applications by Sabyasachi Gupta
Using Loopback to Rapidly Build APIs by Raymond Camden
Building a PWA (Progressive Web App) by Raymond Camden
Making Your Web Application Easier To Reason About With Unidirectional Data Flow by Kenneth Yeung
On-Device Mobile App Prototyping Made Easy by Alex Ziskind
Best Practices Are Best, Except When They're Not by Nolan Erck
Even More HTML5 by Nolan Erck
The Evolution of JS Asynchronicity by Matthew Eash
October 03, 2017
Using StrongLoop to Rapidly Build APIs
In this session, I'll discuss how to use StrongLoop (and LoopBack) to rapidly prototype APIs in Node.js applications. I'll demonstrate how to create REST APIs, how to configure security, and show an example of using them in a mobile application.
About Raymond Camden
Raymond Camden is a developer advocate for IBM. His work focuses on LoopBack, serverless, hybrid mobile development, Node.js, HTML5, and web standards in general. He's a published author and presents at conferences and user groups on a variety of topics. Raymond can be reached at his blog (www.raymondcamden.com), @raymondcamden on Twitter, or via email at raymondcamden@gmail.com.
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October 03, 2017
Cross-Platform Mobile Development Using Open Source Tools
Native SDKs are never a bad choice for delivering the best possible experience on mobile devices, but not every app needs that level of performance. Cross-platform mobile development frameworks like Apache Cordova, Ionic, NativeScript, React Native, give developers more flexibility in how they deliver their mobile apps and leverage existing web development skills. In this session, you’ll learn about leading approaches for building cross-platform mobile apps using these tools.
About John Wargo
John is a professional software developer, writer, presenter, father, husband, and Geek. For the last 10 years, he’s focused on enterprise mobility and building mobile apps. He’s an author of 6 books on mobile development, and has been a contributor to the open-source Apache Cordova project. He loves tinkering with IoT, building and writing about projects for Arduino, Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi, Tessel 2, and more. He's currently a Program Manager at Microsoft working on Visual Studio Mobile Center.
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September 26, 2017
Building a Mobile App People Want to Use
Did you know the average app loses 77% of its daily active users within the first three days? Getting a user to install an app is only the first step. Come learn how to create a great mobile user experience that will have your users coming back for more. We'll talk about the reasons people delete apps, and how not to fall into those traps. We'll also discuss best practices for building intuitive, delightful mobile interfaces.
About Sylvia Pellicore
Sylvia Pellicore is the Web Accessibility Advisor for BCBSNC, making sure their sites and tools work for users of all ability levels. When she is not planning events for the local chapter of Girl Develop It, she likes to run, rock climb, and knit increasingly elaborate scarves.
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September 26, 2017
The Ultimate Guide to Building the Worst Product
Let's face it. There's a gap between what developers care about and what users care about. In this session we'll explore what happens when we ignore this simple fact. We'll discuss what UX is and why the user's experience matters, how to think like your users, and some new rules we can all get behind. After all, UX is more than just about visual design, but also about making sure systems are set up in a way that makes them easy for people to actually use.
About Alisa Herr
Alisa is a multi-disciplinarian who loves flexing her skills in strategy, data analysis, empathy, design, and web development. In 2016, she established Unity as a digital agency for community-focused businesses. A North Carolinian to the bone, Alisa is from the Triangle, has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Appalachian State University, a master’s degree in library and information science from UNC Chapel Hill, and ardently defends her preference for Lexington style bbq. She is a mom, wife, public speaker, open source evangelist, and serves on the community board of AIGA Raleigh as the chair of the Women Lead Initiative.
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September 01, 2017
Visualizing Data in Realtime with WebSocket and D3
With the advent of Internet of Things it is becoming increasingly important for us as developers to understand how to use data coming in from a streaming data source to give constant feedback to our customers. This becoming a more critical point as we look to provide our users with constant feedback on the status of their automobiles, their devices, and any other product that is wirelessly connected to their home.
Just as important as providing access to this data is doing do with a design that clearly demonstrates what the value is of the data. You can provide access to the raw data which, depending on the user, may or may not be valuable. Most likely what you are going to want to do is present the data in a visual context. Your data should be shown in a way that:
- Clearly indicates if there is a problem that needs to be addressed
- Is unambiguous. The presentation of the data shouldn’t mislead the user
- Is more than just decoration. It should be providing the user with some actionable information (even if that action is “All Systems Operational”)
What are you going to walk away with:
- An understanding of how to attach to data from a streaming data source via web sockets
- Create aggregations of this data using D3 and JavaScript array prototype functions
- Bind data dynamically to a data visualization
About Brian Greig
I am a developer in Charlotte, NC working on third party integrations and digital analytics. I have a passion for programming, data, network security, cryptography, and artificial intelligence. I spend the better part of my days outside of work making the most of my time with my wife and two sons
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August 31, 2017
S-E-“Oh Myyy” : Using Structured, Semantic Data for Stellar Content
Like all things Web, SEO is a wild ride. Ranking criteria changes rapidly as
do strategies for optimizing content visibility. As challenging as this is, the goal of both search and content providers is the same: to deliver quality content to Web users.
Schema.org is a collaborative effort founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and
Yandex. Its purpose is to create, maintain, and promote structured data
schemas for embedding a voculary of metadata into Web markup. This provides a
common, rich context for search engine ranking and offers content
providers a means to improve content quality - a win win!
This session will introduce schema.org structured data as both an SEO
tool and a means to improve the organization and provision of content
for Web users. Topics will include:
1. An overview into common structured data use cases.
2. Examples of embedding structured content into your markup.
3. Using search engine tooling to validate structured data.
4. Enhancing search result form and function with structured data.
5. Complimenting structured data with HTML5 semantic markup.
About Eric Carlisle
As a UI Developer and UX Designer, my passion is for building the user-facing web and the experiences that make it engaging, compelling, and powerful. My core approach is to Keep It Stunningly Simple, a practice that encourages creative innovation while maintaining pragmatic focus. Via this careful balance, outstanding solutions can be created with the highest probability of project success.
In my 20+ years as a Web geek, I've worked in several Web production roles. Much of his time has been as a consultant, allowing me to work with a wide variety of commercial, nonprofit, and government markets.
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August 31, 2017
Taking Chatbots by Storm
Some say 2017 is the year of chatbots, the coming of age of AI and NLP. We will go beyond the hype and talk about real world usecases within financial services where AI and chatbots have an important role to play. We will have a code walkthrough and demo of a common financial service usecase using voice & text chatbot, using tools like Amazon Alexa and api.ai. This will cover the aspects of intent design, security and performance. We will then build an AI prediction model using the BigML tool. You will walk away with an overall understanding of chatbots & tools to build them.
About Soumya Kota
Soumya is a Software Engineer at Fidelity Investments who specializes in working on front end and middle tier applications. She joined Fidelity Investments immediately after graduation from NC State with a Bachelors in Computer Science. She is experienced in Java, Node.js, and Angular.js. Soumya is passionate about encouraging women to become technologists. She likes to spend her free time at work promoting culture change so that her fellow colleagues are enjoying their jobs. Outside of work, Soumya loves to play and watch DOTA2, spend time with her dog, and watch the newest Netflix show.
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August 30, 2017
Real World DevOps
The world of DevOps is filled with hype and grand plans. Come learn how to realistically apply DevOps principles where you work today. We’ll talk about what worked, what didn’t, and how we pivoted as we applied DevOps principles in teams large and small. We’ll cover the importance of building an Engineering Excellence culture, how to make meaningful quality gates, conservation of CI jobs, and what we learned working on Continuous Delivery pipelines.
About Sam Thomas
Sam Thomas worked for 3 years as sole Developer, DBA, Operations, QA, and Scrum Master on a product in a small company and learned DevOps the hard way. He helped implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery at Fidelity, and is currently focused on Automated Testing.
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August 30, 2017
Micro SPA Architecture - The Journey so Far
Micro services have been the fad du-jour for several years on the server-side, and now micro SPAs (Single-Page Applications) are coming into the limelight bringing the same concepts to the front end stack. My team has spent the last couple of years experimenting with micro SPAs, and I will be sharing our experiences so far in this presentation. We will cover some basics of why one may choose a micro SPA architecture over traditional monoliths, some things we have loved about this design pattern, as well as problems to solve. Additionally, we will discuss some of the nuts and bolts of our approach to implementing this design pattern. Those attending should expect to get a good idea of the overarching idea of micro SPA architecture as well as some implementable direction to get started on them yourself.
About Jessica Kennedy
Jessica is a software engineer at Inmar, inc. Specializing in front end architecture, specifically around css, she brings over 10 years of full stack experience to the table. Her current role involves working as part of a polyglot team of engineers working full-stack within an ever-evolving ecosystem of technologies.
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