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Eat, Sleep, Akamaize, Repeat
Amazon and Walmart both reported a 1% LOSS in revenue per 100ms of site load delay. Using a CDN to push as much data to the internet’s edge allows for a massive boost in site performance. Utilizing both classic content delivery techniques (basic caching of images, CSS, and JS) and advanced configurations (dynamic HTML caching, on-demand image processing, and traffic prioritization), site performance can appear near instant. While reviewing the planning, implementation steps, and mistakes of one company, this talk will take a look at the before and after analytics of going all-in with various CDN technologies, using Akamai as an example.
About Kyle Christiansen
Currently working as an Applications Architect for Market America/ in Greensboro, NC; Kyle has been working in ColdFusion and web development for over 15 years. All within a normal day Kyle runs the gamut of architecture, enterprise solution planning, and writing code. In his free time, Kyle cooks his way through cookbooks by Julia Child with his chef friends and maintains a robust beard oil collection for his fluffy beard.
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