NCDevCon Hands-On Class List

Right now, we have 4 really interesting Hands-On classes scheduled at NCDevCon 2012. As always, when you purchase your NCDevCon attendance ticket, you get free access to any and all of the Hands-On classes. The hands-on classes are the best way to get up to speed on a technique or technology. We feel these hands-on classes represent the best value for our attendees and cost much less than traditional training opportunities.'


NCDevCon 2012 Hands-On Classes:

  1. Won't be recorded. (Sorry!). You must take this in person.
  2. Are 2 hours long.
  3. Space is limited to the size of the classroom, so get there early!
  4. Will be instructor-led with at least 1 Teacher Assistant.

As a student of one of our Hands-On Classes you should:

  1. Bring your own working laptop and have rights to install programs and modify configuration.
  2. Install any prerequisite software. This helps the class make the most of the 2 hour period.
  3. Help the instructor by staying on task and off Facebook (Ha ha!).

The list of Hands-On Classes at NCDevCon


Building Applications With HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript

  • Speaker: Adrian Pomilio
  • Level: 100 – Beginner

This can be done one of two ways: 1 - a hands on training session if that is of interest 2 - a scaled down presentation The attendees will learn about the building blocks of constructing the user interface for modern applications. How to properly structure HTML, and leverage the newest HTML5 features. How to leverage CSS for layout as well as CSS3 functionality for rich interactions. How JavaScript pulls it all together from application logic to interaction design. The attendees will also look at how JavaScript can be used to organize and improve an applications architecture through frameworks or home grown recipes.



  • Speaker: Tim Cunningham
  • Level: 200 – Intermediate

Git is awesome, this is known. Git doesn't restrict how you do things and that can be a two edged sword. If you are working by yourself you can get away with working however you wish. If you are collaborating with others there needs to be some sort of method to the madness, this is where workflows come in. Work flows a common template of branching and merging code. It is not something you install, rather it is a way of working. In our discussion we will discuss two of the most common workflows: Gitflow Github flow After discussing these you will be better able to decide for yourself which would work better in your organization or adapt the model to fit your needs better.


JQuery Mobile 101

  • Speaker: John Yanarella
  • Level: 200 – Intermediate

jQuery Mobile is your best friend when it comes to creating mobile websites. In this session, we will discuss the basics of jQuery Mobile, how to build a mobile app taking advantage of jQuery Mobile and HTML5 and how to simplify the process of mobile app development.


Authentication Using Twitter, Google, Facebook, And More

  • Speaker: Billy Cravens
  • Level: 300 – Advanced

Authentication is one of those features we seem to implement in every app. It's a chore for us, because poor security choices can mean failure. It's a chore for users: yet another password to remember. Why not let those who have spent millions of dollars on this problem, where your users already have an account, deal with this? In this session, I'll show you how to implement the various authentication APIs that are out there, presenting a login experience that allows your user to choose from the various options that are available (Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and more). You'll also see how to wire this up to your application in a way that is unified to your app no matter what service your users choose.

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